
These photographs reflect, in addition to some graduate students’ research,  student teams and activities in recent courses of Dr. Shankar on robotics, semantic web, and android App development, as offered to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students. These have been collaborative research and course projects with following faculty members (and their students) from other colleges: Prof. Fran McAfee, School of Communication & Multimedia Studies, College of Arts and Letters; Dr. Michael Harris, Chair, Anthropology, College  of Arts & Letters; Dr. Don Ploger, College of Education; Dr. Diana Mitsova-Boneva, Assistant Professor, School of Urban and Regional Planning, and Ms. Agnes Nemeth, Math Teacher, Henderson University School, located at various FAU campuses. Dr. Steve Hecht, Nova University, FL, and Dr. Miguel Alonso, Miami Dade College, FL, are the other collaborators.  For more details, see robotics.fau.edu, semanticweb.fau.edu, and android.fau.edu, respectively.