Catalog Description: Prerequisite: EEL 4656, Linear Systems or equivalent with permission of instructor.
Scope: Complex numbers and sinusoids, spectral representations, Fourier series, Filters, z-transforms, The Discrete Fourier Transform.
Text Book: Signal Processing First by James McClellan, Ronal Shafer and Mark Yoder
Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 013-090999-8.
Reference Book: Introduction to Matlab 7, D. Etter, D. Kuncicky, H. Moore, Prentice Hall 2005, ISBN: 0-13-147492-8.
Instructor: Dr. Nurgun Erdol, Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Telephone: 561-297-3409
Goals: To introduce the fundamentals of digital signal processing theory and MATLAB based practice.
Lecture Time: T, Tr 11:00 am-12:20 pm
Office Hours: T,Tr 1:30-3:00pm and by email and blackboard.
Please put EEL 4510 in the subject field of your email.
I. Introduction to MATLAB and relevant mathematics.
II. Sinusoids
III. Spectral Representations: Continuous and Discrete-time Fourier series, transforms
IV. Sampling and aliasing
V. Discrete Fourier Transforms
VI. FIR filters
VII. Frequency response of FIR filters
VIII. Z-tranforms
IX. IIR filters
Homework: The book and its accompanying CD-ROM provide a large number of solved homework problems. A list of important problems will be posted for each subject. No need to turn in the solutions.
Projects: (20%) Four MATLAB-based assignments (each worth 5%). You are going to submit your projects on blackboard. ( [1]
Exams: (80%) Two midterm tests (20% each) and a final test (40%). Tests are closed book. 1 sheet (8.5”x11”) of notes is allowed.
Grading: A= 90-100%, A-=85-89%, B+=80-84%, B= 75-79%, B-=70-74%, C+= 65-69%, C= 60-64, C-= 55-59%, D+= 50-54%, D= 45-49%, D-= 40-44%, F= 0-39%
[1] Web access: Course materials, homework assignments and announcements will be posted on . Students may access the site by logging in by your FAUNet ID. If you do not know your FAUNet ID, go to .