- Mirjana Pavlovic, Anna Kats, Ran Chen, Sharmistha Chatterjee, Alex Kotlarchyk, Perambur Neelakanta, James Hartmann: Possible interplay between anti-ssDNA binding autoantibodies and Parvoviral B19 DNA in the light of new hypothesis: laboratory and computational approach. Submitted to 8th International Congress on Autoimmunity, Granada, Spain, May 9-13, 2012. A-383-0021-01012.
- Neelakanta PS, Chatterjee S, Papusetty D., Pavlovic M and Pandya A.: Information-theoretic Algorithms in Bioinformatics and Bio-/Medical-imaging : A review. International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT 2011), MIT, Anna University, Chennai, India, June 03-05, 2011.Best paper presentation.
- Morales, G. Zhuang, H. and Pavlovic,M: FAU Graduate Student Research Day, April, 2011
- Morales G., Zhuang H. and Pavlovic M: Mexico, Cancun, aPRIL-mAY, 2011
- Banton, S.A., Roth, Z., Pavlovic, M. Rational Vaccine Design of the Ebola Virus; A Bioengineering Approach. FAU Graduate Student Research Day, April 9, 2010.
- Banton, S.A., Roth, Z., Pavlovic, M. A Bioengineering Approach to Rational Vaccine Design towards the Ebola Virus. 6th Annual International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, July 9, 2010.
- Banton, S.A., Roth, Z., Pavlovic, M. “Novel Epitopes of the Ebola Virus Towards Rational Vaccine Design: Virus Evolution and Protein Conservation. 18th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB). Boston, Massachusetts, July 11-13, 2010.
- Lloyd B, Hartmann J, Caruso J, Milton S, Pavlovic M: Hydrolysis of viral DNA by IgM and IgY immunoglobulines from Trachemys scripta plasma. FAU Graduate Student Research Day, April 9, 2010.
- Pavlovic M, Kats, A.M., Chatterjee, S., Thegum-Palil, G., Kotlarchyk, A., Neelakanta, P., Hartmann, J.X: Possible molecular association of parvovirus B19 and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): wet lab and computational approach. Presented at the 7th International Congress on Autoimmunity, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 5 – 9, 2010 (A-205-0005-00715)Oral presentation
- Kats, A., Chatterjee, S., Chen, R., Thegum-Palil, G., Kotlarchyk, A., Hartmann, J.X., Neelakanta, P., Pavlovic, M. Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus show different pattenrs of anti-ssDNA autoantibodies with their hydrolytic activity for parvovirus B19 ssDNA sequence. Presented at the 7th International Congress on Autoimmunity, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 5 – 9, 2010 (A-205-0005-00759)
- Pavlovic M, Kats A, Chen, R., Thegum-Palil, G., Kotlarchyk, A., Hartmann, J.X., Neelakanta, P., The possible interplay between anti-ssDNA binding autoantibodies and parvoviral B19 DNA in the light of new hypothesis: wet lab and computational approach.9th International Congress in SLE, Vancouver, 2010. Poster presentatiom.PO1.M.7
- Pandya AS, Nitta Y, Kinouchi Y and Pavlovic M: Intelligent systems for prediction of Hematocrit value during blood transfusion, Proceedings of International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering Hematocrit value during blood transfusion, Oral presentation
- Pavlovic M, Kats AM, Cavallo M and HartmannJX: “Real time fluorescent novel developed method for detection and monitoring of hydrolytic activities of lupus anti-DNA antibodies”. 6th International Congress on Autoimmunity Porto, Portugal, September 10-14, 2008 A-103-0005-0045, Oral presentation
- Kats A, Pavlovic M, Cavallo MF, Mari F and Hartmann JX:”Subclass determination of lupus anti-DNA antibodies obtained by two different purification methods” 6th International Congress on Autoimmunity , Porto, Portugal, September 10-14, 2008 A-103-0005-00450 poster presentation
- Shibata Y, Yamashita M, Patel H, Pavlovic MD, Huang K, Myrvik KN, Henriksen RA, Shinohara T: Mycobacterium bovis BCG activates macrophage subpopulations differently by inducing catalytically active and inactive cyclooxygenase 2- possibly inhibiting or promoting anti-tumor immunity. Florida Atlantic University Research Day, October 10th,2007 poster presentation
- Pavlovic M,Cavallo M, KatsA, Chen R, JXHartmann : Differences between kinetic parameters of hydrolytic activity between DNA-se1 and lupus anti-DNA antibody using a novel approach. Florida Atlantinc University. Second International Symposium on Enviroment, Athenes, Greece, 2007
- Pavlovic M, Cavallo M, Kats A M, Chen R , Mari F and JX Hartmann. Differences between kinetic parameters of hydrolytic activity between DNAse 1 and lupus anti-DNA antibody using novel approach. Accepted for poster discussion on the 8th International meeting on lupus , Shangai, China, 2007, 23-27May. Abstract code # PO037, poster presentation and poster discussion-started session
- Kats A, Pavlovic, M, Cavallo, M, Chen R, Mari F and J. X. Hartmann. : Subclass determination and functional features of anti-DNA antibodies obtained by two different purification methods Presented at Forum poster discussion on the 8th International meeting on lupus , Shangai, China, 2007, 23-27May. Abstract code # PO038
- Yoshimi Shibata, Ruth Ann Henriksen, Quentin N. Myrvik, Harni Patel. Pavlovic, M D, Shizuka Shinohara, Traci Pantuso and Tsutomu Shinohara: Persistent pulmonary inflammation and cyclooxygenase -1 and -2 Traci Pantuso and Tsutomu Shinohara: Persistent pulmonary inflammation and cyclooxygenase -1 and -2 modifications in alveolar macrophages following in vivo phagocytosis of mycobacteria, Experimental Biology , San modifications in alveolar macrophages following in vivo phagocytosis of mycobacteria, Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA, USA, April 2008. Diego, CA, USA, April 2008, Oral presentation
- Balint B, Pavlovic, M, Todorovic M: Stem cells in regenerative medicine :Current knowledge.May 10-12 , 2007, Belgrade, Serbia Minisimposium: Intermedica & Dental, Oral presentation
- Pavlovic,M., Chen,R., Kats, A.M. ,Cavallo, M.F., Saccocio, S Keating, P., and Hartmann, J. X Highly specific novel method for purification of Lupus anti-DNA antibody via oligo(dT) magnetic beads. Poster and oral presentation .Presented on 5th International Meeting on Autoimmunity, Sorento, Italy, November 29-December 3rd, 2006 # : 4.AUTO06.000264 & Oral presentation
- Kats, A., M., Cavallo M., F., Chen R., Pavlovic, M., Saccocio S., Keating P. and Hartmann J. X.: Dramatic differences in electrophoretic patterns between normal donor and lupus patient anti-DNA antibodies isolated via novel oligo-(dT) magnetic beads method. Poster presented on 5th International Meeting on Autoimmunity, Sorento, Italy, November29-December 3rd, 2006 # : 4.AUTO06.000265
- Pavlovic M., Caruso J.P., Milton, S., Barahona L. ,Hartmann JX: Free immunoglobulin Light chains in Normal Trachemys scripta Plasma.70th Annual Meeting of the Florida Academy of Sciences, Melbourne, FL, 10-11 March, 2006 (Sess D)
- Cavallo M., Hartmann J., and Pavlovic M: Monitor: A Kit to monitor Autoimmune Diseases.2nd Annual Florida Tech Transfer Conference, Orlando, FL, May 18-19th, 2005, poster presentation
- VukavicT, Dosen R., Pavlovic M., Skaro-Milic N: Enterocyte ultrastructural features preceeding gut closure.35th ESPGHAN Meeting, Taormina, Sicily, from 5th to 8th June, 2002, P171, published in JPGN, April, 2002
- Bello – Espinosa L., and Pavlovic M., Characterization of the Magnetic Resonance Images in the Group of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Xth PAN AMERICAN Congress of Neurology, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, October 9-14,1999, Abstr 11B, P:38
- Pavlovic M: Progress in Neurobiology of autism. World Conference on Pediatric Neuropsychology, February 24-28, 1999, West Palm Beach, FL, USA Oral presentation
- Ristic-Fira, A., Pavlovic, M., Ribarac-Stepic, N., Kanazir, D., and Spasic, P.: Glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis in B 16 mouse melanoma cells: ultrastructural analysis. Proceedings of II Meeting of Electron Microscopy, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, October 2-5,1996, Oral presentation, Abstr. P. 8.
- Ristic-Fira, A., Pavlovic, M., Ribarac-Stepic, N., Kanazir, D., and Spasic, P.: Apoptosis in B16 melanoma cells: ultrasctuctural study. Biochemical Society Transactions, 4th IUMB Conference on the life and death of the cell, Edinburgh, 1996, Abstr. 24, p. 619 S
- Aleksandra Ristić-Fira, Pavlović, M, Nevena Ribarac- Stepić, Dušan Kanazir, Petar Spasić (1996): Glukokortikoidima indukovana apoptoza B16 ćelija melanoma miša: Ultrastrukturna analiza, II Kongres za Elektronsku mikroskopiju, Beograd, Program, p.8.
- Wroblewski, K., Pavlovic, M., Schmidt, N., Jenkins, T., Manevich, J., and Biaglow, J.E.: 31P NMR Study of the Bioenergetics of 9L Glioma During Induced pH changes in vivo. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Fourth Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, New York, New York, USA, April 27-May 3, 1996, Vol 2, ISSN 1065-9889, p. 1114.
- Ristic-Fira, A., Djordjevic-Markovic, R., Pavlovic, M., Ribarac-Stepic, N., Spasic, P and Kanazir, D.: Apoptosis of Mouse Melanoma Cells Induced by Glucocorticoid Treatment: Ultrastructural Study. Fifth International Congress “Hormones and Cancer”, September 16-20, 1995, Quebec City, Canada, Abstract Book, Abstr. #100, p. 12.
- Pavlovic, M., Wroblewski, K. Manevich, Y., Kim, S. and Biaglow, J.E.: The Importance of Choice of Anesthetics in Studying Radiation Effects in the 9L Rate Glioma: Fundamental Consideration. Chemical Modifiers, Autosafe 19024, 1995, Oxford, Great Britain.Oral presentation.
- Pavlovic, M., Wroblewski, K., Kim S., Hoxworth, R and Biaglow J.E.: Effects of Anesthetics on Glucose Physiology. The Dr. George W. Raiziss 12th Annual Retreat. The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, June 29-30, 1995 at Swarthmore College, Poster #70.
- Pavlovic, M., Wroblewski, K., Manevich, Y., and Biaglow J.E.: Influence of anesthetics on the bioenergetics of 9L- glioma: 31P NMR Studies. The Dr. George W. Raiziss 12th Annual Retreat. The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, June 29-30, 1995 at Swarthmore College, Poster #58.
- Wroblewski, K., Pavlovic, M., Manevich, Y., and Biaglow, J.E.: Influence of Anesthetics on the Bioenergetics of 9L Glioma: 31P NMR Studies. Advances in Physiological Chemistry by in vivo NMR, March 22-24, Woods Hole, MA 1995.
- Pavlovic, M., Manevich, Y., Kim S., Wroblewski, K and Biaglow J.E.: The Importance of Choice of Anesthetics in Studying Radiation Effects in the 9L Rat Glioma. University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center Meeting, February 10, 1995. Scientific Symposium and Retreat Abstract Book, p. 104.
- Pavlovic, M., Leffert, J., Russello, O., Beardsley, P.G. and Pizzorno, G.: Elevated Transport of Antifolates and Folic Acid Through the Reduced Folate Transport System in a 5, 10-Dideazatetrahydrofolic Acid (DDATHF) Resistant Human Leukemia Cell Line. Eighty Four Annual Meeting of American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, Florida, 1993 (vol. 34, Abstr 3126, p.21).
- Pavlovic, M., Leffert, J., Russello, O., Bunni, M.A., Priest, D.G., Beardsley, G.P. and Pizzorno G.: Altered transport of folic acid and antifolates through the carrier mediated reduced folate transport system in a human leukemia cell line resistant to (6-R)-5, 10-Dideazatetrahydrofolic Acid (DDATHF). Tenth International Symposium on Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines and Folates, Orange Beach, Alabama, 1993 (Abstr #J14, p. 205).
- Ristic, A., Djordjevic-Markovic, R., Pavlovic, M., Krsmanovic, V. and Kanazir, D.: The effect of glucocorticoid and antiglucocorticoid hormones on the growth of B16/C3 mouse melanoma cells. Third International Conference on Anticarcenogenesis and Radiation Protection, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1989, Abstr. P. 77.
- Pavlovic, M., Ristic-Fira, A. and Krsmanovic, V.: Modulation of melanin synthesis in B16 and B16/C3 spontaneous melanoma cells by autocrine factor. V kongres saveza biohemijskih drustava Jugoslavije, Novi Sad, 26-29 septembra, 1989. (Abstr. US 3.2)
- Ristic–Fira, A., Pavlovic, M., and Krsmanovic, V.: The properties of an autocrine factor isolated from B16 and B16/C3 mouse melanoma cells. V kongres saveza biohemijskih drustava Jugoslavije, Novi Sad, 26-29 septembra, 1989. (Abstr. US 3.1)
- Pavlovic, M., Ristic, A., Keserovic, B., Spasic, P and Krsmanovic, V.: The change in melanin production during mouse melanoma cell growth and differentiation. 19th Meeting of the FEBS, Rome, July 2-7, 1989 (Abstr. TU266)
- Ristic-Fira, A., Pavlovic, M., Fasciotto, B and Krsmanovic, V.: The contribution to the autocrine nature of the mouse melanoma cells. . 19th Meeting of the FEBS, Rome, July 2-7, 1989 (Abstr. TU267)
- Todorovic, V., Pavlovic, M., and Ristic, M.: Protein nutrition and some components of antibacterial and bactericydal systems in rat peripheral blood granulocytes. XIII Meeting of UYPS with International Participation, Skopje, 18-21 Sept. Abs. 50.
- Pavlovic, M., Spasic, P., Todorovic, V and Ristic, M.: The ultrastructural changes of the duodenal cell membranes during chronic ethanol intake. 25th International conference on the biochemistry of lipids. “A jubilee conference, Antwerp, Belgium, September 4-7, 1984.
- Todorovic, V., Pavlovic, M., and Ristic, M.: The phoshoplipid content of the peripheral blood granulocytes during protein malnutrition. 25th International conference on the biochemistry of lipids. “A jubilee conference, Antwerp, Belgium, September 4-7, 1984.
- Kovacevic, Z and Pavlovic, M.: The study of cellular energy metabolism and the function of mitochondria in intact ascites carcinoma cells. XI Kongres fiziologa Jugoslavije, Pristina, Septembar, 1979. Proc. Of XI Con. Un. Yug. Physiol. Soc., 1980,Oral presentation.
- Kovacevic, Z., Pavlovic, M., and Breberina, M.: Regulation of phosphate transport through mitochondria. First International Workshop on ammoniagenesis, Montreal, Canada, 1978, Oral presentation.