
Sponsored Research (Cash Grants –  Total: $ 4.313 M    (Systems and VLSI: $ 2.363 M Biomedical: $ 0.95 M.  Royalties of $1.0 M  included here).



  • Mitsova, D., (PI) and Shankar, R. (Co-PI), A Shore Zone Inventory/Characterization Tool as an extension to ARCGIS,  funded by FAU’s Sponsored Research, Start date: July 2012, $10,000
  • Shankar, R., Lab Tech Fee Grant, to build Robots for a course, 3/11, $2,796
  • Miranda, M., Undergraduate Research Grant from FAU, Mentor: Shankar, 2/11, $600
  • Ploger, D., (PI), Shankar, R., McAfee, F., and Watson, T., (Co-PIs), Equipment  Grant, 4-G modems from Clearwire, to enhance multi-campus research, 12/10, $10,000
  • Berry, L., (PI), Shankar,and others (Co-PIs), Rationale for Establishinga CCEP Parternship, FAU, 5/10, on. No Specific funding allocation for Shankar
  • Shankar, R., PI, Android App Development, 9/10-12/10, FAU,  $7,700
  • Shankar, R (PI), Agarwal (Co-PI), Accelerated Mobile Product Development – An Economic Engine for Science and Technology Superiority, SBA, Grant, 9/09-8/10,  $122,821
  • GAP Funding from DSR/ OTT: Highly Scaleable Multiplier, 1/07-12/08, $15,000
  • One Pass to Production, Motorola/iDEN 1/07 – 12/07 (PI, Co-PI: Furht and Agarwal), $ 68,000
  • One Pass to Production, Motorola/iDEN  1/06 – 12/06 (PI, Co-PI: Furht), $251,000
  • One Pass to Production, Motorola/iDEN  1/05 – 12/05 (PI, Co-PI: Furht), $185,000
  • Microprocessor Lab Upgrade, College of Engineering, April 2004, $10,543
  • One Pass to Production, Motorola/iDEN, 1/04 – 1/05 (Co-PI, and Technical and Management Lead,  PI: Furht),  $250,170
  • Exeuctable Process Flow, Motorola/iDEN, 2/03 – 12/03 (PI, Co-PI: VanHilst), $256,000    (same as: One Pass to Production)
  • Cadence EDA Tool Acquisition Grant (two years, 2001-2003), $11,000
  • Highly Scaleable Multiplier, Student Support, DSR, FAU (2002-2003), $3,000
  • EDA Undergrad Curriculum –Cadence Design Systems, Inc (2001-2002),  $20,000
  • Low Power Optimization, SABA Grant, Motorola, PI, August 2000 – July 2001,  $21,744
  • Advanced Control Concepts in System Design, Motorola, PI, Co-PI: Pajunen, Motorola, January – April 1999, $72,000
  • Integration of  RF System Modeling with Digital Design Flow, Harris Semiconductors, PI, March 1997 – December 1997, $25,000
  • Acquisition of a Modularly Expandable Mixed Signal IC Tester, NSF, FAU, and Motorola Funds, PI, June  1994 – July 1997,  $259,047
  • A Seamless  Environment for Productivity Enhancement: NSF and Motorola Funds, PI for one, Co-PI  for another, June 1994 – April 1995,  $84,632
  • Early and Noninvasive Detection of Atherosclerosis:Clinical Validation, P.I., Product Center Corporation,Vasocor, Miami, Florida, 1991-1993 (through 10/93), $750,000+
  • Character Recognition with Neural Networks, IBM, Co-P.I. (P.I.: Dr. A.S. Pandya), 1990-1992, $85,700
  • Layout Topology Optimization for Enhanced Yield Performance and Testability of DCVS Logic, IBM, P.I., (with Dr. R. Barrett, Jr.), 1990-1991, $77,000
  • Honorable Mention IEEE/ACM SIGDA DATC Grant, to Support DA Activities, P.I., 1990-1991. $1,000
  • Wafer Scale Integration for Image Perception, P.I.,   DARPA/SUS, 1989-1990, $77,964
  • VLSI Implementation issues relevant to hand-printed  character recognition with neural networks, P.I., (with Dr. A.S. Pandya), Florida High Technology  and Industry Council, 1989-92,  $109,323
  • Early Detection of Atherosclerosis, Dept. of Sponsored Research, FAU, P.I., 1989-1990,  $27,000
  • Patterned Functional Electrical Stimulation for   Restoration of Volitional Limb Movement in Hemiplegics, P.I., (with Drs. G. Pajunen, B. Szabo and L. Smith), Florida High Technology and Industry Council, 1989-90, $35,000
  • Design of Analog VLSI Cell Library, USF,   Tampa, P.I., 1986-1988,  $39,500
  • VLSI Design of Communication Systems, APTEK, P.I.  (with Dr. R. Szabo), 1986-1987,  $75,000
  • Early Noninvasive Detection of Atherosclerosis, Florida   Hi-Tech Council, P.I.: 1985-1987,  $133,000
  • Purchase of a Daisy VLSI Design Station,  FAU Equipment Grant,  $10,00
  • Distributed Computing and VLSI Design, IBM P.I. , initially with Dr. Y. Shamash and Dr. L. Raskin, 1984-1986,  $124,667
  • Early Detection of Atherosclerosis, Seed Grant,     Florida Atlantic University, 1983-1984, $3,500

In-Kind Donations: Software and Hardware donations as relevant to EDA (engineering design automation), VLSI (very large scale integration), and CAD (computer aided design) worth $18 M+ , during 1987-2003. This is no longer the research and teaching focus area for Dr. Shankar