Theses & Dissertations

  • Chairman of 9 completed Ph.D. dissertations.
  • Chairman of 37 completed M.S. theses.
  • Chairman of 5 M.S. thesis and 2 Ph.D. dissertations in preparation.
  • Committee member of 36 completed M.S. theses and 11 Ph.D. dissertations.
  • Committee member of 9 M.S. theses and 2 Ph.D. dissertations in preparation.
  • Referee or Committee member for external Ph.D. dissertations:
    University of Calcutta, India (1993); Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India (1994); University of Nice, France (1998); Georgia Institute of Technology (1998);Catholic University, Santiago, Chile (1999), Nanyang Institute of Technology, Singapore (2002).