
E (Sarah) Du, PhD

Principal Investigator


Linkedin, Google Scholar, NCBI

Curriculum Vitae

Hongyuan Xu

Research Technician


Adeleh Kazemialamouti

PhD student, ME

Research topic: blood impedance spectroscopy


Liliana Ponkratova

Master student, BME


Research topic: Electro-deformation Spectroscopy

Maria Largaespada

Master student, Honors college BS/MS

Jacob Askins

Undergraduate researcher, ME

REU, SURF fellow

Mohammad Hanif

Undergraduate researcher, ME

REU, SURF fellow


Prof. Ofelia Alvarez, M.D., Professor of Clinical; Director, Pediatric Sickle Cell Program, University of Miami

Prof. Leif A. Carlsson, Ph.D., J.M. Rubin Foundation Professor, Florida Atlantic University

Prof. Ming Dao, Ph.D., Principal Investigator & Director, Nanomechanics Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prof. Jeff Dvorin, M.D., Ph.D., Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

Prof. Erik Engeberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Florida Atlantic University

Prof. Xuejin Li, Ph.D., ZJU-100 Young Professor, Zhejiang Universitty

Prof. Andrew V. Oleinikov, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biomedical Science, Florida Atlantic University

Prof. Claudia O Rodrigues, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, University of Miami

Dr. Tim Satchwell, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate, University of Bristol

Prof. Subra Suresh, Ph.D., Vannevar Bush Professor of Engineering Emeritus, MIT; NTU President and Distinguished University Professor

Prof. Jianning Wei, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Florida Atlantic University

Prof. Emmanuelle Tognoli, Ph.D., Research Professor, Florida Atlantic University

Prof. Doug Hutchinson, M.D., Professor, University of Utah


Graduate Students

Oladiran Oladokun (MS 2024)

Mustafa Ayanoglu (PhD 2024)

Darryl Dieujuste (PhD 2023), Electrical R&D Engineer, Hose McCann Communications, FL

Samaneh Rikhehgaran (PhD 2023)

Babak Mosavati (PhD 2022, RA of the Year at the 3rd COECS Graduate Academic Excellence Event), Senior Scientist, WellSIM Biomedical Technologies Inc

KNU Galpayage Dona (PhD 2020), Postdoc at Temple University

Jia Liu (PhD 2019, RA of the Year at the 1st COECS Graduate Academic Excellence Event), Postdoc at University of Connecticut

Yuhao Qiang (PhD 2019), Postdoc at MIT

Yining(Evan) Tian (MS 2019), Charpie Intelligence Tech.

Darryl Dieujuste (MS 2018, best Poster Award at the 1st COECS Graduate Academic Excellence Event), PhD Candidate

Jiaran Zhou (MS 2016)

Undergraduate Students

Senior design team (Shilei Richards, Abraham Silva, Alvaro Morales, Gineson Rousseau, Jacob Mullins, Smith Matthias, 2023 Fall – 2024 Spring), ME, FAU

Nicolas Giovine (2024 Spring), REU researcher, ME, FAU

Matthew McCrory (2024 Spring), REU researcher, ME, FAU

Joshua Donjuan (2022- 2023), REU researcher, ME, FAU

Connor Hopgood (2023 Spring), REU researcher, ME, FAU

Brandon Yu (2022 Spring), ME, FAU

Delaney Dobson (2021 Summer), ME, FAU

Guillermo Gayoso (2021 Summer), ME, FAU

Ladd Brown (2020 – 2021), ME, FAU

Roberson Robert (2021 Spring), NSF learn scholar, FAU

Anthony Nguyen (2021 Spring), NSF learn scholar, FAU

Napatarong (Bill) Wannaphaschaiyong (2018), ME, FAU

Lyndsey Mandelare (2016), ME, FAU

Katrina Ramsamooj (2016), Chemistry, FAU, 2nd place -poster presentation in engineering, at the 8th FAU undergraduate research symposium

Rachel Zhuang (2015), Biomedical engineering, University of Southern California

Michal Mian (2015- 2016), ME, FAU

Sara Zima (2015), Biology, FAU

High School Students

Diya Jain (2022), Pine Crest School

Deeksha Kumaresh (2021-2022), American Heritage School, Ying Scholar, 1st place at the 2022 Florida State Science and Engineering Fair

Kofi Meighan (2020), Pine Crest School

Eeshani Behara (2019-2020), American Heritage School, Ying Scholar, 1st place in the 2018 Engineering and Induction, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society, 1st place at the 2019 Florida State Science and Engineering Fair

Visiting Scholars

Dr. Shaofeng Wu (2019-2020), Lecturer, Hangzhou Dianzi University

Jinrong Zhang (2018), Associate professor, Chang’an University

Fan Yang (2017-2018), PhD student, Nanjing University of Science and Technology