- Center for SMART Health
- On the Process of Becoming a Great Scientist
- Safety training: CITI program, FAU EH&S
- Useful molecular biology number: bionumbers.hms.harvard.edu
- Database of materials properties: Matweb
- MEMS introduction, discussion: MEMSnet
- Lab protocols: current protocols in cell biology, JoVE, Springer Experiments, Nature protocols
- Create Professional Science Figures: biorender
- Computational tool of dielectrophoresis: MyDEP
- Search top scientific journals in multidisciplinary: SJR
- Web of mechanics and mechanicians: imechanic
- Image analysis: Fiji (imagej.net)
- MATLAB: MATLAB Answers – MATLAB Central (mathworks.com)
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
777 Glades Rd
Bldg 36 Rm 175
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Email: edu@fau.edu