



Dr. T. co-chaired a session on Water Resources Management at the n on Water Resources Management at 5th IAHR Young Professionals Congress, 27-29 Nov 2024 with 70 participants.


Dr. T. gave a talk (online) on “Statistical Learning, Hydroinformatics, and Predictive Analytics for Hydro-Environmental Systems Modeling and Management”.  IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet) (, September 2024.


Dr. T. gave a series of lectures for Nirma University as a Foreign Expert.  September 2024.


Dr. T. presented a talk at Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut, June 2024.


Dr. T. has presented a paper on “Tree-based approaches for imputation of precipitation.”

He also conducted a workshop on “Machine Learning Approaches for Hydrologic Modeling” at IAHR Europe 2024 Congress in Lisbon.


Dr. T. was a visiting professor at University of Brescia for one month and gave a series of lectures.


New book by Dr. T. The book published in July 2024.

This book serves as a unique reference that provides a comprehensive discussion about the state-of-the-art spatial and temporal, statistical, and data mining methods for imputation of missing hydrometeorological data. The primary audience for this book are researchers, scientists, graduate-level and higher students, modelers, data scientists working in hydrological, meteorological, climatological, and earth sciences. Data analysts in other disciplines will also be interested in this book.

The book appeals to graduate students, researchers in civil and environmental engineering, geosciences, climatology, and hydrological and data sciences. It will be an ideal reference book for state and federal agencies that collect and process hydrometeorological and climatological data. Engineering professionals, hydrologists, meteorologists, and data and spatial analysts dealing with large hydrometeorological datasets. Researchers and modelers involve in the development of long-term datasets at national and international institutions.


Dr.T. gave two invited talks at Politecnico di Torino  and Università degli Studi di Brescia (University of Brescia).

  • Quantitative Precipitation Estimates and Observations: How Good are they for Robust Hydrologic Modeling and Design? Politecnico di Torino, March 7, 2024.
  • A New Framework for Assessment of Nonstationarity. University of Brescia, Italy. March 8, 2024.


Dr. T. has presented an invited talk at IIT Indore in the Department of Civil Engineering in January 2024. His talk was focused on: Machine Learning Approaches for Handling Terrestrial Data, Systems Modeling and Prediction.


Dr. T. has presented an invited plenary talk at IIT Roorkee. His talk focused on Robust Quantitative Precipitation Estimates and Observations for Hydrologic Modeling and Design, January 19, 2024.

International Conference on Future of Water Resources, IIT Roorkee, India, January 18 -20, 2024.


Dr. T. has recently presented an invited plenary talk in the Hydro2023 International Conference in India. His talk focused on: Statistical Learning in Support of Modeling and Prediction of Hydrosystems.

  • Ms. Achala Singh presented our work, Achala Singh,  Priyank J. Sharma, Ramesh S. V. Teegavarapu. Disentangling non-stationarity linkages between streamflow and climate variables at the river-basin scale. International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Environmental and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2023 International), December 2023, India. Published in proceedings


Dr. T. recently attended European Geophysical Union (EGU) in Vienna, April 24 – April 28. He has presented technical work and co-convened four technical sessions:

  • Recent Advances in the Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling of Extreme Flood Events, April 25, 2023. (Oral (virtual and onsite): 8:30 am – 10:15 am)
  • Recent Advances in the Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling of Extreme Flood Events, April 25, 2023. (Posters (virtual and onsite): 14:00 – 15:45 pm)
  • Trends and Variations in Hydroclimatic Variables: Links to Climate Variability and Change,  April 25, 2023. (Oral (virtual and onsite): 16:15 pm – 18:00 pm)
  • Trends and Variations in Hydroclimatic Variables: Links to Climate Variability and Change,  April 25, 2023. (Oral (virtual and onsite): 10:45 am – 12:30 pm).


Most Cited paper.

Dr. T. is one of the coauthors of the paper in Groundwater journal.


Stationarity: A Gentle Introduction  ( Link to book)

Ramesh S. V. Teegavarapu and Priyank J. Sharma

A new book to be available by September 2024

This unique compendium focuses on the use and applications of the state-of-the-art exploratory data analysis and statistical methods to understand the concept of stationarity and assessment based on hydroclimatic data. Stationarity assessment is the key for hydrologic design, particularly in the context of changing climate. The comprehensive text presents a thorough discussion of the parametric, unit root and non-parametric methods adopted for stationarity assessment with their vivid practical examples, issues and implications. This useful reference manual benefits researchers, professionals, academics and graduate students in the fields of hydrology, climate change and climatology. |


Dr. T. has recently presented a plenary lecture at HYDRO 2022, 27th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Environment and Coastal Engineering,  2022.  23rd December, 2022. Title of the talk on “Emerging Precipitation Inputs for Hydrologic Modeling: Issues and Resolutions”


Dr. T. co-authored two papers in the proceedings of HYDRO 2022 and presented two talks on:

“Influence of Sea and Tidal Level Fluctuations on the Operation of Coastal Hydraulic Systems”

“Emerging Precipitation Inputs for Hydrologic Modeling: Issues and Resolutions”

at HYDRO 2022, 27th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Environment and Coastal Engineering,  2022.  23rd December, 2022, Chandigarh, India.


Dr. T. has recently presented two invited lectures in Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Climate Extremes (STACE), Accelerate Vigyan Program,  Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), India at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore.


Dr. T. has recently presented a keynote lecture at International Conference on Water and Environmental Engineering (iCWEE), 2022. He presented a talk on “Quantitative Precipitation Estimates and Future of Hydrologic Design and Modeling”.


Dr. T. has presented a series of lectures on Geographical Information Systems (GISs) in the expert series lectures at Nirma University, November 24- 28, 2022.


Dr. T. presented a talk and served as a panelist at an International Symposium held in Thessaloniki, Greece, June 11-12.


Dr. T.  presented a talk and co-chaired a session at IAHR Europe, Greece. June 7, 2022


Dr. T. presented an invited talk (online) on “Hydro-Climatological Implications on Dam Safety” on July 15, 2022 to international audience of more than 125 professionals, scientists, dam managers and leaders from ICOLD (International Commission on Large Dams),  INCOLD (Indian Commission on Large Dams) and INCOLD YEF.


Dr. T. presented an invited talk (online) on “Big Data and Predictive Analytics in Civil Engineering: Emerging Issues and Resolutions” for STTP Organized by Nirma University, June 14, 2022.


Dr. T.  is currently an Invited International Expert for Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), India. Participated in online discussion with “International Panel of Experts” on June 17, 2022.


Dr. T. is appointed as vice-chair of the Committee on Climate Change Adaptation of International Association for Hydro-environment Engineering Research (IAHR) in Spain. June 2022.


Dr. T. presented two papers at 39th Congress of  International for Association Hydro-environment Engineering Research (IAHR) in Granada, Spain. June 18-25, 2022.


Dr. T. gave an invited talk at Technische Universität Berlin. June 28, 2022 as a part of the colloquium Hydrolosciences series.


Dr. T. is a recipient of GIAN award/funding from Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), India. He has co-taught a course on Spatial Analysis for Water Resources Modeling and Management (SAWRMM) hosted by SVNIT, India. The course was taught online from Italy. June 13-17, 2022.

GIAN initiative is aimed at tapping the talent pool of scientists internationally to encourage their engagement with institutions of higher education in India. Increase the footfalls of reputed international faculty in the Indian academic institutes.


Dr.T. recently taught an invited Excellence course at Politecnico Di Torino, Italy. June 6-10th, 2022.


Dr. T. was invited speaker at International Online Water Congress. He has also co-chaired a session on “Water-related Disasters and Climate Change” April, 2022.


Dr. T. was invited speaker for Overseas Expert Symposium organized and supported by CRSRI and UNESCO, March, 2022. More than 700 professionals, scientists and members of academia attended the talk.


Dr. T. was invited to give expert lectures for Nirma University. March 2022.


Dr. T. recently gave an invited talk for National Water Academy (NWA), Central Water Commission, India. Title of the Talk: Big Data and Hydroanalytics as part of their training program on “Big Data Applications in Water Resources and HydroInformatics  on Jan 17, 2022. More than 270 professionals, scientists and members of academia attended the talk.


Dr. T. recently gave a keynote talk at Hydro 2021 International Conference. Title of the Talk: Data Analytics, Soft and Statistical Computing for Modeling and Management of Hydrosystems   on December 24, 2021.



Chapter downloads for book crosses 10,000 for a book edited by Dr. T.


Excerpts from two chapters authored by Dr. T. in a recent book on “Climate Change-Sensitive Water Resources Management” are included in Sustainable Development Goals online (a world’s biggest specialist library created by Taylor and Francis to support United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals initiative and help university researchers, faculty, and students understand and address humanity’s biggest challenges.*)

Link: SDG Online

*(C) Taylor and Francis


Dr. T.’s  48-page chapter on mean areal precipitation (MAP) estimation will appear in the book:


2021 Dr. T. received the Engineer’s Council’s Distinguished Engineering Educator Award.


Dr. T. completes a 46-page chapter in book edited by Dr. Morbidelli for Elsevier.


Paper by Dr. T. and Dr. Sharma receives the JHE “Editor’s Choice Paper” recognition.


Book Published


Dr.T. and Dr. Sharma Publish a paper on Stationarity Assessment


Dr. T. recently co-chaired a session at IAHR International Conference.


Dr. T. receives the scholar of the year award at professor level at FAU.

April 15, 2021. FAU Celebrates 52nd Annual Honors Convocation Awardees.

Florida Atlantic University President John Kelly and Provost Bret Danilowicz today announced the recipients of the 52nd annual Honors Convocation awards. The celebration recognizes the University’s most outstanding students and faculty.

“Honors Convocation is a longstanding and important tradition,” said Danilowicz. “Even if we can’t all be together, this remote ceremony will allow us to spotlight the academic excellence of our best faculty and students.”


Dr. T.’s coauthored new book : first look.


Dr. Sharma and Dr. T. receive the  Best Paper Award (with co-author) for paper published and presented at Hydro-2020 International Conference, Indian Society for Hydraulics (ISH).


Dr. T. is recipient of Service Award from College of Engineering and Computer Science, FAU.


Dr. T. presented a talk on “ Improvements in Quantitative Flood Forecasting: Emerging Sources of Hydrometeorological Observations and Modeling Approachesto over 50 participants of Short Term Training Program on Flood Risk Management (FRM)-2021 conducted by SVNIT, India, March 1-6, 2021.


Dr. T.  will present guest lectures to Civil Engineering students at Nirma University, India. Feb -March  2021.


Dr. T. received the “Scholar of the Year Award” at Florida Atlantic University this year. This one award at professor level honors excellence in scholarly and creative activities. He will be given the award at Honors Convocation in April 2021.


Dr. T. is a recipient of ” Distinguished Engineering Educator Award for year 2021” from Engineers’ Council “.  The award will be presented on February 25, 2021.



Dr. T. is a recipient of this year’s College of Engineering and Computer Science, FAU “Service Award (2021) “.  He has also received ” Research Award (2020)” and  “Teaching Award (2019) in the past two years”. This Award was presented to him on February 22, 2021.


Dr. T.’s new book on 

Dynamic Simulation and Virtual Reality in Hydrology and Water Resources Management

will be available soon.

Book Details (from CRC Press/Amazon):  Book Link

Dynamic Simulation and Virtual Reality in Hydrology and Water Resources Management focuses on the understanding, use, and application of system dynamics simulation and virtual reality approaches for modelling the spatial and temporal behavior of natural and managed hydro-environmental systems.

The book discusses concepts of systems thinking, system dynamics approach, and it furthers understanding of the dynamic behavior of natural and engineering systems using feedbacks and dynamic simulation. Numerous examples of models built using different system dynamics simulation modeling environments are provided. It also introduces concepts related to computer animation and virtual reality-based immersive modeling. Applications of systems dynamics, simulation with animation, and virtual reality approaches for modelling and management of hydro-environmental systems are illustrated through real-world case studies.

This text is ideal for water resources professionals, graduate students, hydrologic modelers, and engineers who are interested in systems thinking, dynamic simulation and virtual reality modelling approaches. It will serve as a valuable reference for engineering professionals who model, manage, and operate hydrosystems. Engineering educators will find the book immensely useful to enhance the learning experiences of students.


Book Chapter excerpts from a recent book published by Dr. T.




Dr. T. presented a research talk for Interdisciplinary center for water research, Indian Institute of Science, India.


Dr. T.  presented talk to U Del La Costa, Colombia.

Dr. T.  presented at talk titled “Adaptive Hydrologic Design and Water Resources Management under Evolving Climate”


Dr. T. presented webinars for two universities (IIT Madras and Universidad De La Costa).

UniCosta CUC Live Stream - YouTubeIIT Madras - Wikipedia

Research on extreme sea levels and coastal structure operations is underway with support from local water management agency. Dr. T. is the principal Investigator.


October 2020

Book Cover Released

Climate-Change Sensitive Water Resources Management
by Ramesh Teegavarapu, Elpida Kolokytha and Carlos de Oliveira Galvao.
published by CRC Press. December 2020.

Dr. T. is author of one chapter and co-author of two chapters.


September 2020

Dr. T. ‘s proposal receives funding approval from GIAN :

Global Initiative of Academic Networks(GIAN)

Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) in Higher Education is aimed at tapping the talent pool of scientists and entrepreneurs, internationally to encourage their engagement with the institutes of Higher Education in India so as to augment the country’s existing academic resources, accelerate the pace of quality reform, and elevate India’s scientific and technological capacity to global excellence.



Dr. T. presented webinars for two universities (Politecnico Di Torino, Italy; SVNIT, India) on research methodologies and academic publishing in September 2020.

Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat - WikipediaOceanExpert - A Directory of Marine and Freshwater Professionals

Upcoming Book:

Climate-Change Sensitive Water Resources Management
by Ramesh Teegavarapu, Elpida Kolokytha and Carlos de Oliveira Galvao.
published by CRC Press. November 2020.

Link to the book publisher page.

Dr. T. receives funding from South Florida Water Management District to develop methods to evaluate resilience of coastal structures considering hydroclimatic extremes, 2020.

Dr. T.  receives the  College of Engineering and Computer Science (COECS)Excellence in Research Award”. 2020.

Dr. T.  held a visiting professor appointment at Kobe University , Japan for one month. (Dec -Jan, 2020). He is working in Research Center for Urban Safety and Security. He is also guest lecturing for a  graduate course on River Basin  Management.


Dr. T. was invited to a give a talk and be a part of a panel member on climate change and Biosystems meeting in Brazil  at Fluminnense Federal University (UFF), Niteroi.


Dr. T.  was elected as a vice chair of the Climate-Change Adaptation Technical Committee of International Association of Hydro-Environmental Research, 2019.


Dr. T. recently attended IAHR International conference in Panama and her served as:

  • Organizer and co-moderator (co-chair) of a session on: Robust, Climate-Change Sensitive and Adaptive Water Resources Management, IAHR 2019, Panama. Sept., 2019.
  • Moderator(Chair) of a session on: Water Management and Hydro-Informatics: Computational Hydrodynamics and Hydrology, Sept, 2019. IAHR 2019, Panama.


Dr. T. is International Technical Committee Member, Conference on Water Security and Management (WSM 2020), Tokyo, Japan, May 30-June 2, 2020.


Dr. T.  receives funding from USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers) to investigate new precipitation imputation methods, 2019. 


Dr. T.  is now a Fulbright Specialist. His tenure will end June 2022.


Dr. T. recently visited four universities in Brazil and presented talks at four universities

  • Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro 
  • Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Instituto Militar de Engenharia


Dr. T. recently visited two universities in Colombia and presented two talks at one of the universities (Universidad Del Norte).

  • Universidad Del Norte
  • Universidad De La Costa.

Dr. T. and his student presented poster and a paper at the EWRI Congress.

Dr. T. was one of the expert panel members for Advancing new methods for the treatment of climate change and extreme events, May 22, 2019. EWRI International Conference.

Dr. T. recently attended EWRI International Conference in Pittsburgh and organized and moderated sessions on:

  • Moderator of a session on: Statistical Modeling and Risk of Nonstationary Extreme Floods and Sea Levels, EWRI International Conference, May 23, 2019.
  • Organizer and Moderator of a session on: Trends and Variations in Hydroclimatic Variables: Links to Climate Variability and Change – I, Hydroclimate Symposium, ASCE-EWRI International Conference, May 22, 2019.
  • Organizer and Moderator of a session on: Trends and Variations in Hydroclimatic Variables: Links to Climate Variability and Change – II, Hydroclimate Symposium, ASCE-EWRI International Conference, May 22, 2019.
  • Organizer and Moderator of a session on: Hydroanalytics: Methods for Investigating Hydrological Data, ASCE-EWRI International Conference, May 23, 2019.


Dr. T. has recently signed a book contract with Taylor and Francis. The book is titled : “Dynamic Simulation and Virtual Reality in Hydrology and Water Resources Management”

Recently Published Chapter:

Dr. T.  receives the first annual College of Engineering and Computer Science (COECS) “Excellence in Teaching Award”. 2019.

Dr. T. is currently editing a book (as a lead editor) titled: Climate-Change Sensitive Water Resources Management (ISBN 978-0-367-25788-0) to be published by Taylor and Francis/CRC-Press.  He is author or co-author of three chapters in the book.

Dr. T. has a chapter in recently published book on Spatial Analysis and Estimation of Precipitation.

Dr. T. recently completes his Fulbright Scholar assignment.

Cover image just released for upcoming book by Dr. T.

Dr. T.’s Chapter on “Technology Enhanced Learning ” will appear in a forthcoming book. The book cover image was just released.

Dr. T. has recently attended Global Water Security International Conference held in India from Oct 3-6, 2018. He has presented his work on “Mapping Spatial and Temporal Agricultural Water Availability and Productivity Influenced by Precipitation Extremes: Impacts of Climate Variability and Change in India” and co-chaired a session on “Innovation in Conservation Practices”.

Dr. T. has recently presented a webinar for USACE on ‘ Framework for Assessment of Radar-based Precipitation Data’

Dr. T.’s new edited book will be released in September 2018. He is also author of three chapters in this book.

Dr.T.’s new co-edited book will be released some time in November 2018. Besides being an co-editor he is also author of four chapters in this book to be published by ASCE.

  • Dr. T. has recently completed a book chapter
  • Ramesh S. V. Teegavarapu Technology Enhanced Learning for Civil Engineering Education: Use of Dynamic and Virtual-Reality based Simulation, Online Data Analysis and Optimization Tools, Taylor and Francis (in print) in the book: Blended Learning in Engineering Education: Recent Developments in Curriculum, Assessment and Practice, 2018. In print.
  • Dr. T. has recently took an appointment as Graduate Program Chair in the Department of Civil Environmental and Geomatics Engineering Department, FAU.
  • Dr. T. is one of the co-authors of most recently published article on sustainable development goals.
  • Dr.T. has been awarded the “Excellence and Innovation in Teaching Award” this year. This is the second time he has been recognized with such award in the past nine years at FAU. He will received the award at the Honors Convocation on April 18, 2018.
  • Upcoming books by Dr. T.
  • Dr. T. presented at EWRI Palm Beach Branch Meeting
  • Dr. T.  congratulated by U.S. Senator for his Fulbright Award

  • Dr. T. has recently presented talks on Influences of climate variability and change on precipitation extremes and characteristics at:

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

  • University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

  •  Indian Institute of Science, India.
  • Dr. T. received the “Scholar of the Year Award at Florida Atlantic University this year. The award honors excellence in scholarly activities. He will be given the award at Honors Convocation in April 2017.


  • Dr. T. received funding from USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers) for work related evaluation of methodologies for bias in radar-based precipitation estimates.
  • Dr. T is currently on Fulbright Scholar assignment at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India from December 14- January 14, 2017 and also three months in Summer of 2017.
  • Dr. T. is member of International Technical Committee of Weather Radar and Hydrology Conference, 2017.

  • Dr. T. is now reviewer for National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
  • Dr. T. is now part of  a reviewer panel for Open Panel of Commission for Hydrology Experts (OPACHE) of World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
  • Dr. T. presented four talks at University of Brescia, Italy.
    (1) Trends and Variations in Characteristics and Extremes Hydroclimatic Variables: Assessing Links to Climate Variability; (2) Sustainable Hydrologic Design under Future Uncertain and Changing Climate; (3) Towards Developing Serially Continuous Precipitation Records: Methods for Filling Missing Data and (4) Outlier and Anomaly Identification Methods for Hydroclimatic Variables.

  • Dr. T. presented a talk on climate variability at Politecnico Di Torino, Italy.
  • New book cover released. Dr. T. is one of the co-editors and author of two chapters


  • Dr. T. is currently in Italy for one and half month on invited visiting professor appointments  at  Politecnico Di Torino and Universita Degli Studi Di Brescia.

Universita Degli Studi Di Brescia

Politecnico Di Torino

  • Dr. T. has recently signed a book contract with Elsevier. The book will deal with topic on Trends and Variations in Hydroclimatic Variables: Links to Climate Variability and Change.


  • Old news: Dr. T. ‘s idea on CNN Technology :
  • Dr. T. has hosted the International Leadership Team (LT) of International Association of Hydro-Environment Research (IAHR) Water Resource Management (WRM) Committee at FAU, May 26, 2016,
  • Dr. T. has convened and chaired two sessions on ” Trends and Variations in Hydroclimatic Variables : Links to Climate Variability and Change at EWRI 2016 International Conference. May 23 and May 26 2016.


  • Dr. T. is now the lead editor for the “Statistical Distributions in Hydrology” Monograph to be published by ASCE this year.  
  • Dr. T. presented a talk at EWRI 2016 International Conference in West Palm Beach Florida. May 2016.
  • Dr. T. presented a talk at University of Western Ontario (Western University) as a part of Distinguished Speaker Series in Civil Engineering Department.


  •  Dr. T. is part of the team of researchers which has received a NSF CC*DNI grant. May 2016.
  • Dr. T. completed a book on Sustainable Water Resources Management to be published by Springer. April 2016.


  • Dr. T. received a USGS grant to work on precipitation data quality analysis.
  • Dr. T. presented a talk on hydrometeorological data filling, bias analysis and outlier identification at World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, February, 2016.


  • Dr. T. is one of the recipients of Fulbright Scholar Award this year. He will be working on research related to El Nino Dynamics and Precipitation.


The Fulbright Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is the U.S. government’s flagship international exchange program and is supported by the people of the United States and partner countries around the world. (taken from, 2016).
  • Dr. T. just finished a comprehensive study on changes in temperature, sea level and precipitation of Japan during his stay at Kobe University, Japan.


[Autocorrelation structure of precipitation, Teegavarapu, 2015]
  • Dr. T. presented a keynote lecture on “climate variability and hydroclimatic variables” at workshop in Port Island Campus of Kobe University, Japan, January 19, 2016.
  • Dr. T. received a new grant from South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) for year 2016-2017 for identification of anomalies in precipitation data and development of framework for comprehensive assessment of precipitation data.
  • Hydrosystems Research Laboratory at FAU (director Dr. T.) and  Lab of Water Disaster Management and Hydroinformatics at Sun Yat-Sen University, China are developing a memorandum of understanding to work on research projects/studies that are of mutual interest to both the labs.
  • Dr. T. presented an invited lecture on quantitative precipitation estimation and forecasts at Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China on January 10, 2016 and also visited North River Hydroelectric site.


  • Dr. T. presented an invited lecture on climate variability at Kobe University, Japan at Research Center for Urban Safety and Security (RCUSS), Kobe University, January 6, 2016
  • Dr. T. presented two invited lectures at Kyoto University, Japan including one at Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto on December 7 and 8, 2015.
  • kyoto
  • Dr. T has visited the Port Island Campus of Kobe University where K-Computer (supercomputer) is located.
  • Dr. T. has lectured on “Data Analysis and Interpretation” at Kobe University, Research Center for Urban Safety and Security (RCUSS).
  • Dr. T. is currently on a visiting research professor appointment at Kobe University. He will lecture at Kobe and Kyoto University, Japan. His research term ends January 24th, 2016.
  • Dr. T. is currently editing a book on “Sustainable Water Resources Planning and Management under Climate Change” to be published by Springer. He is also authoring two chapters in the book.
  • Dr. T. has recently attended NSF grant workshop conducted at Purdue, Calumet as one of the Co-PIs on the grant related virtual 3D modeling of floods.
  • Dr. T. is  one of the Co-PIs on a NSF-MRI grant
  • News Article.

(Summary of Recommendations for Policymakers on Adaption to Climate Change in Water Engineering, IAHR-International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research Climate Change Working Group). Dr. T. is one of the co-authors of this document.


  • Dr. T. has presented at talk at special session in IAHR 2015 conference in Den Haag, Netherlands, attended Leadership Team (LT) meeting of IAHR WRM climate change team and Climate Change Working (CWG) Group of IAHR.
  • Dr. T. chaired a special session at IAHR Conference, Netherlands.
  • Dr. T. presented a brief talk at USGS – FAU Precipitation Downscaling Technical Meeting, June 22, 2015.
  • Dr. T. presented a talk at the SFWMD  a talk about Research at HRL, June 2, 2015.
  • Dr. T.  presented two papers in EWRI -ASCE World Congress in Austin, Texas May 17- 21, 2015.
  • Dr. T. is a contributing author for IAHR Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) Document on “Recommendations for Policymakers on Adaption to Climate Change in Water Engineering” April, 2015.
  • Dr. T. has presented two talks on “Framework for Bias assessment methods for radar data” and “Anomaly and outlier detection in Hydrometeorological Data” at SJRWMD, Palatka, Florida on April 16, 2015.
  • Dr. T. has presented two talks on “Bias assessment methods for radar data” and “Anomaly and outlier detection methods” at SWFWMD, Brooksville, Florida on April 9, 2015.
  • Dr. T. will be moderating/chairing two sessions on “Trends in Hydroclimatic Variables and their Links to Climate Variability and Change” at EWRI International Conference in Austin Texas, May 17-21, 2015.
  • Dr. T. is selected as a peer reviewer for USGS 104G grant proposal.
  • Dr. T. is a now a contributing member of “Hydrologic Data Uncertainty” task committee under Surface Water Hydrology Technical Committee of EWRI/ASCE.
  • Dr. T. presented a talk in South Florida Water Resources Workshop, March 12, 2015, FAU.
  • Dr. T.  (PI) and Dr. Su received funding for development of mobile hydrometeorological observation systems. Funding Source : FAU.
  • Dr. T. is proud to be part of the research team at FAU which secured funding through NSF MRI (Major Research Instrumentation) grant to build Big Data Training and Research Laboratory. 2014-2016 (CO-PI:Dr. T.)
  • Dr. T. in collaboration with Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering Department has organized a one-day workshop on South Florida Water Resources: Observations, Modeling and Management in the Context of Regional Environmental Changes”  on March 12, 2015.
  • Dr. T. is co-chairing a session – Adaptation to Global Changes in Water Resources Management at IAHR Congress, Hague, June 2015.


  • Dr. T. is now a member of “Task Committee on Use of Atmospheric Models to Estimate Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) ” task committee under Surface Water Hydrology Technical Committee of EWRI/ASCE.
  • Dr. T. is now a member of Big Data Analytics Center at FAU, February 2015.
  • Dr. T is a member of the technical committee of 2015 International Conference on Water Resource and Environment, Beijing, China, June 25- 28. 2015.
  • Dr. T. receives funding from South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to develop methods for data anomaly detection for hydrometeorological data and also bias analysis of radar-based rainfall data, 2014-2015.
  • Dr. T. is now member of Climate Change Working Group of International Association of Hydro-Environment Research (IAHR).
  • Dr. T. has a reviewer for NSF GRFP Geosciences Panel. January, 2015.
  • Dr. T. receives funding from  United States Geological Survey (USGS) to develop anomaly and outlier detection methods for hydrometeorological data (PI: Dr. Ramesh Teegavarapu) 2014-2015.
  • Dr. T. and Dr. Goly  complete the second phase of HDET (Hydrologic Data Evaluation Tool) development.
  • Dr. T. is working on development and evaluation of virtual reality platforms to study extreme flooding. Funding from National Science Foundation (NSF), (CO-PI: Dr. Ramesh Teegavarapu). 2013-2015
  • Support received from NSF for REG(Research Experiences for Graduates)  to support graduate and post doctoral scholars to attend Weather Radar and Hydrology (WRaH 2014) International Symposium (PI: Dr. Ramesh Teegavarapu). 2014.
  • Dr. Teegavarapu presented two papers at AGU Fall Meeting 2014 in San Francisco. December 14-18, 2014
  • Dr. Teegavarapu presented two papers at EWRI-ASCE Conference in Portland, Oregon. May, 2014.
  • Dr. Teegavarapu presented a paper at KOBE-EU Symposium in Brussels in October 2014. Dr. T. is part of Climate Change Leadership Team of IAHR.
  • Dr. Teegavarapu is selected as member in IAHR Climate Change Working Group.
  • Dr. Teegavarapu receives faculty mentoring funding from FAU, 2014.
  • Dr. Teegavarapu is now vice chair of Surface Water Hydrology Technical Committee (SWHTC) of ASCE. 2014-2016.
  • Dr. Teegavarapu served as a Co-chair for Weather Radar and Hydrology (WRaH) international symposium in Washington D.C. April 2014.



  • Dr. T. served as a Moderator for Hydrologic Modeling session at Weather Radar and Hydrology International Symposium, April 7, 2014, Washington D.C.
  • Dr. Teegavarapu and Dr. Goly presented papers and posters at Weather Radar and Hydrology (WRaH) international symposium in Washington D.C. April 2014.
  • Dr. Teegavarapu receives Outstanding Service recognition for being a Member of the Organizing and Steering Committee of Weather Radar and Hydrology (WRaH), 2014, EWRI, ASCE
© RameshTeegavarapu