Google Scholar: H Index: 28; I10 Index: 58. Over 3000 citations.
Dr. T.’s research works have been cited in the following select peer-reviewed international journals, conferences, articles and books in the last ten years and several hundreds of publishing venues, not listed here. Methods developed by Dr. T. are also adopted and used in several studies. Some of the citations of Dr. T’s and co-authors work came from works published in languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish, Arabic , Korean and others.
Brief List of sources of Major Citations (this is not a complete listing):
1. Advances in Water Resources
2. African Journal of Biotechnology
3. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Elsevier Publication.
4. Agricultural Effects on Ground and Surface Water, IAHS, Book# 273
5. Agricultural Systems Journal, Elsevier Publication
6. Agricultural Water Management, Elsevier Publication
7. American J. of Engineering and Applied Sciences
8. Annals of Brazilian Academy of Sciences , Brazil
9. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, Hungary
10. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier Publication
11. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
12. Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier Publication
13. Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing
14. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, Knowledgia Review, Malaysia
15. Atmospheric Research, Elsevier Publication
16. Avances en Recursos Hidraulicos – Colombia.
17. Brazilian Magazine of Agro-meteorology, Brazilian Society of Agro-Meteorology
18. Building and Environment, Elsevier
19. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Agricultural Academy.
20. Computational Geosciences, Springer
21. Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID), IEEE
22. Computers and Geosciences, Elsevier
23. Computational Intelligence for Missing Data Imputation, Estimation and Management, book
24. Computers in Fisheries Research
25. Contaminated Soils, Sediments and Water (volume 9)
26. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Taylor and Francis Publication.
27. CSIRO Land and Water Science Report
28. Current Science
29. Ecological Informatics, Elsevier
30. Electronic Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, Malaysia.
31. Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, Wiley Interscience
32. Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, IGI Publications
33. Engineering Optimization, Taylor and Francis Publication.
34. Environmental Modeling and Software, Elsevier Science Publication
35. Environmental Science and Policy
36. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer Publication.
37. Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Publication.
38. Floresta e Ambiente, Instituto de Florestas da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Publication.
39. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering
40. Fuzzy Logic in Geology, Elsevier Publication
41. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Elsevier Publication
42. Geologica Acta
43. Geomorphology, Elsevier Publication.
44. Geotechnical Engineering Office Report, Government of Hong Kong.
45. Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Springer
46. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (European Geophysical Union)
47. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions.
48. Hydrological Processes
49. Hydrological Sciences Journal, IAHS Publication
50. IDEAS, Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
51. The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Transactions
52. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference
53. Information Sciences, Elsevier Publication
54. International Journal of Applied Earth and Geo-information,
55. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
56. International Journal of Coal Geology, Elsevier Publication
57. International Journal of Computer, Information and Systems Science and Engineering
58. International Journal of Coastal Research
59. International Journal of Computer Applications
60. International Journal of Climatology, Wiley Publication
61. International Journal of Computer, Information and Systems Science and Engineering, WASET Publication.
62. International Journal of Computer Applications
63. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, NAUN Publication.
64. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation
65. International Journal of Engineering Education
66. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering
67. International Journal of Environmental Hydrology
68. International Journal of Operational Research
69. International Journal of Physical Sciences,
70. IX Convegno Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Agraria
71. Irrigation and Drainage, Wiley Inter Science Publication,
72. Irrigation and Science, Springer Publication.
73. ITS, Conference, 2012.
74. JA – Pacific-Asia Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application, IEEE.
75. Journal for American Water Resources Association (AWRA Publication).
76. Journal of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), AIAA Publication.
77. Journal of Applied Mathemactics
78. Journal of Applied Sciences.
79. Journal of Climate, AMS publication.
80. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE.
81. Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
82. Journal of Computers, Academy Publishers.
83. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, UCOWR publication.
84. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE.
85. Journal of Environmental Management.
86. Journal of Environmental Monitoring
87. Journal of Environmental Science and Health.
88. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, ANSI Publication.
89. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, Taylor and Francis Publication.
90. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Taylor and Francis Publication.
91. Journal of Environmental Hydrology
92. Journal of Environmental Quality, Publication of American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America.
93. Journal of Geo-Information Science, China
94. Journal of Great Lakes Research, Elsevier Publication.
95. Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier Publication
96. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE Publication.
97. Journal of Hydrometeorology, American Meteorological Society (AMS)
98. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, ASCE Publication.
99. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Korea Water Resource Association
100. Journal of Spatial Information Science
101. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Scientific Research Publication
102. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Springer Publication.
103. Journal of the Instrument Society
104. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE Publication
105. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-AQUA, IWA publication.
106. Land Degradation and Development, Wiley Publication.
107. Maskana, Universidad De Cuenca Publication.
108. Mathematical Geosciences, Springer Publication
109. Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Elsevier Publication.
110. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
111. Music-Inspired Harmony Search Algorithm: Theory and Algorithms (Wiley)
112. Natural Hazards, Springer Publications
113. Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences, European Geophysical Union Publication
114. Neural Networks for Hydrological Modeling (Taylor and Francis)
115. The Open Hydrology Journal (Bentham Science)
116. Omega, Elsevier Publication
117. Paddy and Water Environment, Springer Publication
118. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Publication.
119. Progress in Physical Geography, Sage Publication
120. Progress in Water Resources
121. Remote Sensing, MDPI Publication.
122. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
123. Revue des Sciences de l’Eau
124. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Elsevier Publication
125. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, Brazilian Journal
126. Revista de Teledeteccion
127. Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources
128. Sains Malaysiana
129. Simulation, Sage Publication
130. Science Asia
131. Scientific Research and Essays, Academic Journals publication.
132. Steel and Composite Structures
133. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
134. Studies in Computational Intelligence
135. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Springer Publication
136. Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation and Management
137. Trends in Applied Sciences Research.
138. The Halocene, Sage Publication.
139. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
140. Victoria Flood Conference Proceedings
141. Water International, IWRA Journal; IWRA Publication
142. Water Research
143. Water Resources Management, Journal of European Water Resources Association
144. Water Resources Research, AGU publication
145. Water and Environment Journal, Wiley Publication
146. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Springer Publication
147. Water SA, SA Water Commission
148. Water Science and Technology, IWA.
149. Water Wedges, Global Change Consulting Consortium
150. Wetlands Ecology and Management, Springer Publication
151. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, Wiley Publication
152. World Health Organization, Safe Management of Shellfish and Harvest Waters
153. World Congress on Engineering, London, U.K., Proceedings.
154. Innovations in Intelligent systems and Applications (INISTA), IEEE, VDE Verlag.
155. Water for a Healthy Country Flagship Report series, CSIRO Publication, Australia.
156. International Hydrology Programme (IHP), UNESCO.
157. XIX Simp´osio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estat´ıstica 2
156. Neural Computations and Applications
157. Journal of Water and Climate Change.
158. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
159. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
160. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering
161. Water Research Foundation
162. International Review of Geographical Information Science and Technology
163. Neural Information Processing, Springer Publication
164. Innovations in Intelligent systems and Applications (INISTA), IEEE, VDE Verlag.
165. Water for a Healthy Country Flagship Report series, CSIRO Publication, Australia.
166. International Hydrology Programme (IHP), UNESCO.
167. XIX Simp´osio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estat´ıstica 2
168. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
169. Hydrology Research, IWA Publication.
170. European Journal of Operations Research
171. Geophysics Research Letters
172. Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas
173. European Journal of Agronomy, Elsevier Publication