Dr. T. has presented over 200 talks in different international conferences, national and international academic institutions, state and federal agencies and other venues. He has presented talks and organized technical sessions in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Sweden and United Kingdom.
Dr. T. has also given keynote, plenary, session keynote lectures and invited talks at many venues and also gave invited expert lectures on site and online.
[Adopted from a recent presentation in China]
- Disinformative Data in Hydrology: Issues, Challenges and Resolutions. HYDRO 2024, 29th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, River and Coastal Engineering, 18-20, Pune, India. Keynote Lecture
- Knowing the Unknown: Methods for Imputing Hydrometeorological Variables in Space and Time, in Hydro-meteorological Data with Standards workshop. Dec 11, 2024. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore, India. Invited Talk
- Statistical Learning, Hydroinformatics and Predictive Analytics for Hydro-Enviromental Systems Modeling and Management, Sept 28, 2024. Invited Talk. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden. Online.
- Guest Lectures for Nirmal University, India
- Hydrology Topics: Runoff Analysis and Estimation. Nirma University, Sept 20, 2024. Invited Lecture.
- Hydrology Topics: Evaporation and Transpiration Patterns. Nirma University, Sept 18, 2024. Invited Lecture.
- Hydrology Topics: Precipitation Measurement and Analysis. Nirma University, Sept 11, 2024. Invited Lecture.
- Quality Assurance Tool, Approaches for Detection of Outliers and Anomalies in Hydrological Data. August 21, 2024.
- Dams and Evolving Climate: Risk Assessment and Management. University of Brescia, Italy, June 13, 2024. Invited Talk.
- Spatial and Temporal Interpolation of Hydroclimatic Variables, University of Brescia, Italy, June 13, 2024. Invited Talk.
- Hydroanalytics: Emerging Methods for Addressing and Handling Anomalies in Hydrometeorological Data, SMHI, Norkopping, Sweden, June 11, 2024. Invited Talk.
- Tree-based Approaches for Imputation of Missing Precipitation Records. IAHR Europe 2024 International Conference, June 4, 2024. Lisbon, Portugal.
- Machine Learning Approaches for Hydrological Modeling, International Association of Hydro-Environmental Research, Lisbon, June 3, 2024. Invited Talk/Workshop
- Eight modules on several subtopics (Data essentials, ML Fundamentals, Model Evaluation, Association, Classification and Clustering, Function Approximation, Decision, Regression, and Model Trees)
- Hydroanalytics for Hydrological Data Quality Improvement, University of Brescia, Italy, May 29, 2024. Invited Talk.
- Climate Change and Climate Variability Influences of Hydroclimatic Variables, University of Brescia, Italy, May 28, 2024. Invited Talk.
- Statistical Learning for Hydrologic Modeling and Prediction, University of Brescia, Italy, May 27, 2024. Invited Talk.
- Research Initiation, Planning, and Publication of Scholarly Works, University of Brescia, Italy, May 21, 2024. Invited Talk.
- Quantitative Precipitation Estimates and Observations: How Good are they for Robust Hydrologic Modeling and Design? Politecnico di Torino, March 7, 2024. Invited talk.
- A New Framework for Assessment of Nonstationarity. University of Brescia, Italy. March 8, 2024. Invited talk.
- Development of Quality Assurance Methods for Hydro-meteorological data, Online presentation, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), February 9, 2024.
- Robust Quantitative Precipitation Estimates and Observations for Hydrologic Modeling and Design, January 19, 2024. International Conference on Future of Water Resources, IIT Roorkee, India, January 18 -20, 2024. Invited Plenary talk.
- Machine Learning Approaches for Handling Terrestrial Data, Systems Modeling and Prediction, IIT Indore, India, January 15, 2024. Invited talk.
- Statistical Learning in Support of Modeling and Prediction of Hydrosystems. Hydro 2023 International, NIT Warangal, India, December 21, 2023. Invited Plenary talk.
- Hydronalytics and Machine Learning for Improved Modeling and Management of Hydrosystems under Evolving Climate, South Florida Water Management District, May 10, 2023, online.
- Research at HRL: Opportunities for Collaboration, May 4, 2023, Online.
- Emerging Precipitation Inputs for Hydrologic Modeling: Issues and Resolutions, 27th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Environmental and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2022 International), Chandigarh, December 2022, India. Invited Plenary talk.
- Influence of Sea and Tidal Level Fluctuations on the Operation of Coastal Hydraulic Systems. 27th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Environmental and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2022 International), Chandigarh, December 2022, India.
- Climate Variability and Teleconnections, Invited talk, Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Climate Extremes (STACE), Workshop, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore, December 17, 2022, India.
- Stationarity Assessment in Climate Extremes, Invited talk, Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Climate Extremes (STACE), Workshop, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore, December 16, 2022, India.
- Quantitative Precipitation Estimates and Future of Hydrologic Design and Modeling, International Conference on Water and Environmental Engineering (iCWEE- 2022), Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia, 27 November 2022. Keynote Lecture
- Expert Lecture Series on Geographic Information Systems: Concepts and Applications, November 24, 25, and 28, 2022. Nirma University, India. Three Invited Lectures.
- Climate Change-Sensitive Water Resources Management (IAHR Monograph), International Symposium on Water Stress and Security under Evolving Climate: Emerging Issues and Resolutions, September 12, 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece. Invited Lecture
- Climate Change-Sensitive Water Resources Management (IAHR Monograph), International Symposium on Water Stress and Security under Evolving Climate: Emerging Issues and Resolutions, September 12, 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Evaluation of Monthly Precipitation and Temperature Trends in the United States, September 7, 2022, IAHR Europe 2022 Conference, Athens, Greece.
- Hydroclimatological Implications on Dam Safety, Indian Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), Online, July 15, 2022. International Commission on Large Dams (LCOLD) and Indian Commission of Lage Dams (INCOLD). Online. Invited Expert Lecture.
- Big data and predictive data analytics in Civil Engineering: Emerging Issues and Applications, Nirma University, July 14, 2022. Online. Invited Expert Lecture.
- Evaluation of the suitability of quantitative precipitation estimates for hydrologic modeling. Technical University, Berlin, Germany, Invited Lecture, June 28, 2022.
- Performance assessment of coastal hydraulic structures due to sea-level rise and tidal variations, 39th IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain, June 24, 2022. 39th World Congress of IAHR.
- Model Tree-based Approaches for forecasting hydroclimatic variables, 39th IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain, June 23, 2022. 39th World Congress of IAHR.
- Flood warning systems, GIAN Course, SVNIT, June 17, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Ensemble streamflow forecasting systems, GIAN Course, SVNIT, June 17, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Hydrologic simulation and virtual reality applications for floods, GIAN course, SVNIT, June 16, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Climate change and variability influences on hydrologic extremes, GIAN Course, SVNIT, June 15, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Spatial and statistical analysis, GIAN Course, SVNIT, June 14, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Hydrologic design under climate change, online talk, GIAN Course, SVNIT, June 14, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Spatial and statistical analysis of floods, online talk, GIAN Course, SVNIT, June 14, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Spatial analysis and data-driven approaches for flood prediction, Online talk, GIAN Course, SVNIT, June 13, 2022. 2 hours. Invited Lecture.
- Spatial hydrology and analysis of hydroclimatic data, Online talk, GIAN, June 13, 2022. 1 hour. Invited Lecture.
- Climate Change and Stationarity Assessment, Politecnico Di Torino, Excellence course, June 10, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Climate Variability Evaluation, Politecnico Di Torino, Excellence course, June 9, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Non-parametric Statistical Methods, Politecnico Di Torino, Excellence course, June 8, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Parametric Statistical Methods, Politecnico Di Torino, Excellence course, June 7, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Understanding Hydroclimatic Data: Climate Change and Variability, Politecnico Di Torino, Excellence course, June 6, 2022. Invited Lecture.
- Hydroclimatic Extremes and Climate Change, Online talk, Emerging Water Challenges since COVID-19, Youth Water Congress, April 6, 2022, Sponsored by IHP, UNESCO, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and others. Invited Lecture.
- Big Data and Hydroanalytics for Climate Change and Variability Assessments, Overseas Expert Symposium, Sponsors: UNESCO, CRSRI, March 8, 2022. Invited Lecture. 700 attended.
- Expert Lecture Series in Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering, Feb 28- March 11, 2022. Nirma University, India. Over 140 attended. Five Invited Lectures.
- Hydroanalytics and Big Data, Training program on “Big Data Applications in Water Resources and HydroInformatics, National Water Academy Pune, January 17, 2022. Invited Lecture. Over 270 professionals, scientists and members from academia attended. Online.
- Data Analytics, Soft and Statistical Computing for Hydrosystems Modeling and Management, HYDRO 2021 International Conference, December 24, 2021. Keynote Lecture. Online.
- Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GISs), Nirma University, India, Online presentations, Sept 14, 2021. Online.
- Managing Raster and Vector Datasets and Operations in Geographical Information Systems (GISs), Nirma University, India, Online presentations, Sept 15, 2021. Online.
- Applications of GIS in Civil Engineering, Nirma University, India, Online presentations, Sept 16, 2021.
- Climate Change Sensitive Water Resources Management, IAHR, Online session, July 1, 2021.
- Improvements in Quantitative Flood Forecasting: Emerging Sources of Hydrometeorological Observations and Modeling Approaches, SVNIT, March 5, 2021. Online.
- Towards Robust Hydrologic Modeling and Design: Utility and Validity of Quantitative Precipitation Estimates. Indian Institute of Science (IISc), India, January 28, 2021. Online.
- Conducting and Excelling in Research: Pathways for Graduate Student Success, January 19 and 20, 2021. Presented to University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Online.
- Adaptive Hydrologic Design and Water Resources Management under Evolving Climate, November 27, 2020. UNESCO Category II Center on Integrated and Multidisciplinary Water Resources Management, Webinar- “From the Myths of Hercules to the Reality of Climate Change”. Online.
- Publishing Research: From Thesis to Peer-Reviewed Publications, November 16, 2020. Presented to IIT, Chennai, India. Online.
- Conducting and Excelling in Research: Pathways for Graduate Student Success, November 9, 2020. Presented to IIT, Chennai, India. Online.
- Development of Methods and Analysis of Extreme Water Levels at Coastal Structures and Identification of Storm Hydrographs, SFWMD, August 28, 2020. Online.
- Extreme Precipitation Analysis: Implications for Urban Hydrology under Evolving Climate. Expert lecture in the TEQIP-III sponsored STTP on “Design of Water-Related Infrastructure for Smart City” during July 27-31, 2020, SVNIT. Online with at least 40 participants. Online.
- Research and Publications. Presented online to graduate students of Florida Atlantic University and Universidad De La Costa, Colombia, October 30, 2020.
- Conducting and Excelling in Research: Pathways for Graduate Student Success, Publishing Research: From Thesis to Peer-Reviewed Publications, September 3, 2020. Presented to SVNIT, India. Online.
- Publishing Research: From Thesis to Peer-Reviewed Publications, Presented to students from Politecnico Di Torino, Italy, September 25, 2020. Online.
- Graduate Studies and Research in CEGE, LACCEI 2020, 18th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology, July 30, 2020. Online presentation.
- Graduate Student Orientation, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering, August 24, 2020. Online.
- Publishing Research: From Thesis to Peer-Reviewed Publications, July 6, 2020, FAU. Online.
- Conducting and Excelling in Research: Pathways for Graduate Student Success, June 19, 2020. FAU. Online.
- Terrestrial Transformations under Changing Climate: Implications of Bio-Hydrosystems, Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Brazil, November 5, 2019. Invited Talk, one of the keynote speakers.
- Methods for Imputation of Missing Precipitation and Temperature Datasets, USACE, web-based presentation, August 23, 2019.
- Variations in regional hydroclimatology in a changing climate, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Brazil, June 15, 2019.
- Climate Change and Variability Influences on Hydroclimatic Variables: Management of Hydrosystems, and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 13, 2019. Janeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense, June 14, 2019.
- Graduate Studies in Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering, Universidad Del Norte, Universidad De La Costa, Colombia, and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro , Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Brazil. June 6, 7, 13 14 and 15, 2019.
- Climate Change and Variability Impacts on Hydrosystems Design and Management, Universidad Del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia, June 6, 2019.
- A Framework for Assessment of Radar-based Precipitation Data, Prepared and Presented to United States Army Corporation of Engineers (USACE). (Webinar). August 27, 2018.
- Changes in Streamflow Extremes and Characteristics: Exploring Links to Climate Change and Variability, 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, HIC 2018, Palermo, Italy, July 2018.
- Rainfall Analysis and INterpolation (RAIN): For Understanding Extremes, Climate Variability Interactions and Patterns, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, August 24, 2017.
- Climate Variability Linked Changes in Characteristics and Extremes of Hydroclimatological Variables: Implications for Water Resources Management, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, August 17, 2017.
- Climate Change and Variability Driven Changes in Precipitation Characteristics and Extremes: Implications for Hydrologic Design and Water Resources Management, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, August 18, 2017.
- Sustainable Hydrosystems Design and Management under Changing Climate, ASCE-EWRI Palm Beach County Chapter meeting, April 25, 2017.
- Changes in Hydroclimatic Variable Extremes and Characteristics: Possible Links to Climate Variability? Politecnico Di Torino, July 18, 2016.
- Outlier and Anomaly Identification Methods for Hydroclimatic Variables, June 23, 2016, University of Brescia, Italy. (Ciclo di seminari nell’ambito del programma didattico del Corso di Dottorato in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale dell’Università di Brescia, 20 – 23 giugno 2016).
- Towards Developing Serially Continuous Precipitation Records: Methods for Filling Missing Data, June 22, 2016, University of Brescia, Italy. (Ciclo di seminari nell’ambito del programma didattico del Corso di Dottorato in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale dell’Università di Brescia, 20 – 23 giugno 2016).
- Sustainable Hydrologic Design under Future Uncertain and Changing Climate, June 21, 2016. University of Brescia, Italy. (Ciclo di seminari nell’ambito del programma didattico del Corso di Dottorato in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale dell’Università di Brescia, 20 – 23 giugno 2016).
- Trends and Variations in Characteristics and Extremes Hydroclimatic Variables: Assessing Links to Climate Variability, June 20, 2016, University of Brescia, Italy. (Ciclo di seminari nell’ambito del programma didattico del Corso di Dottorato in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale dell’Università di Brescia, 20 – 23 giugno 2016).
- Evaluating links between Sea Level Variations and Climate Variability for Continential United States, EWRI 2016 International Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida, May 23, 2016.
- Changes in Spatial and Temporal Characteristics and Extremes of Hydroclimatic Variables: Deciphering Links to Natural Variability., Invited talk, Distinguished Speaker Series, University of Western Ontario (UWO), Canada, May 12, 2016.
- Methodologies for Identification of Anomalies and Outliers in Precipitation Data, SFWMD, March 30, 2016.
- Towards serially complete Error-free Hydrometeorological Data: Methods for Imputation of Missing Values, Assessment of Bias and Detection of Outliers and Anomalies, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland, February 26, 2016.
- Linking Variations in Hydroclimatic Variable Extremes and Characteristics to Changing Climate: Observations and Inferences from Two Regions, January 19, 2016, Port Island Campus, Kobe University, Japan. Keynote Talk.
- Quantitative Precipitation Estimates and Forecasts for Flood Control and Stormwater Management: Issues and Perspectives, January 10, 2016, Sun Yat-Sen University, China. Invited Talk.
- Evaluation of Trends and Variability in Monthly Sea Level, Temperature and Precipitation of Japan: Links to Climate Variability and Change, January 6, 2016. Research Center for Urban Safety and Security (RCUSS), Kobe University, Japan. Invited Talk.
- Precipitation Extremes Under Changing Climate: Issues and Resolutions for Water Resources Management and Adaptation, December 8, 2015, Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Japan. Invited Lecture.
- Understanding Natural Disasters: Focus on Tropical Cyclones. Kyoto University, Japan. December 7, 2015. Invited Lecture
- Making Sense of Data: Methods for Analysis, Interpretation and Visualization of Data, Kobe University, Research Center for Urban Safety and Security (RCUSS), Japan, December 3, 2015.
- Climate Variability and Changes in Streamflow and Precipitation Extremes, June 2, 2015. IAHR 2015 Conference, Den Haag, Netherlands. Session Chair and Convener of the session.
- Statistical Downscaling of Precipitation in Florida : Experiments and Observations, June 22, 2015.
- Research at HRL: Collaborative Opportunities for FAU and SFWMD, June 2, 2015.
- Trends in Streamflow Extremes and Climate Variability, EWRI Congress, May 18, 2015, Austin, Texas.
- Identifying Outliers and Anomalies in Hydro-meteorological Data, SJRWMD, April 16, 2015.
- A Framework for Assessment of Radar-based Precipitation Data, SJRWMD, April 16, 2015.
- Methods for Identifying Anomalies in Hydro-meteorological Data, SWFWMD, April 9. 2015.
- A Comprehensive Framework for Assessment of Radar Data, SWFWMD, April 9, 2015
- Precipitation Extremes and Characteristics in Florida: Influences of Climate Variability and Change, South Florida Water Resources Workshop, March 12, 2015.
- Hydrologic Design under Changing Regional Precipitation Extremes and Characteristics: Influences of Climate Variability and Change, Kobe University Brussels EU symposium, October 14, 2014.
- Development and Evaluation of Data Accuracy Assessment Algorithms for Identifying Anomalies in Hydro-Meteorological Data (Phase II), SFWMD, September 25, 2014.
- Climate Change-Sensitive Hydrologic Design under Uncertain Future Precipitation Extremes, EWRI, ASCE, 2014. June 2, 2014.
- Precipitation Regime Changes under Decadal and Multi-Decadal Oscillations, EWRI ASCE , 2014. June 2, 2014.
- Development and Evaluation of Data Accuracy Assessment Algorithms for Identifying Anomalies in Hydro-Meteorological Data (Phase 1; Stage), SFWMD, November 6, 2013.
- Influences of Climate Variability and Change on Precipitation Extremes: Implications for Future Hydrologic Design, September 10, 2013. 35th IAHR-APD Congress, Chengdu, China. Invited Talk. IAHR Leadership Team Member on Climate Change.
- South Florida Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Pilot Project, Broward MPO, June, 2013.
- Spatial and temporal partitioning-based Interpolation methods for precipitation estimation, ASCE-EWRI, World Environmental and Water Congress, 22 May, 2013, Cincinnati, USA.
- Site and Regional Statistics-preserving Interpolation for Missing Precipitation Data Estimation, ASCE-EWRI, World Environmental and Water Congress, 22 May, 2013, Cincinnati, USA.
- A Look at Transformations of Terrestrial Environment under Climate Variability and Change, Valencia Shores, Florida, March 17, 2013.
- Bias Assessment and Evaluation of NEXRAD-based Rainfall Estimates in South Florida Water Management District, SFWMD, and December 20, 2012.
- Bias Correction Methods for Radar Data, South Florida Water Management District, Sept 7, 2012.
- Spatial Interpolation for Missing Precipitation Data: Use of Proximity Metrics, Nearest Neighbor Classifiers and Clusters, May 21, 2012. ASCE-EWRI World Environmental and Water Congress, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Climate Variability and Climate Change Studies: Issues & Observations. Climate Change panel, ASCE-EWRI World Environmental and Water congress, May, 2012. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Invited Talk.
- Experiments with Statistical Downscaling of Precipitation for South Florida Region: Issues and Observations, Hydrology of the Everglades Workshop, March 29, 2012.
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Precipitation Extremes in Florida: Teleconnections and Implications for Hydrologic Design, Hydrology of the Everglades Workshop, March 30, 2012.
- Extreme Precipitation and Climate Change, IFI, Book Series Meeting, UNESCO, Paris, October 3, 2011
- Multiple Imputation Method for Estimation of Missing Precipitation Records, EWRI-ASCE World Environmental and Water Congress, May 22, 2011, Palm Springs, California.
- Optimal Z-R (Reflectivity-Rainfall Rate) Relationships: Issues, Concepts and Applications, EWRI-ASCE World Environmental and Water Congress, May 24, 2011, Palm Springs, California.
- Joint Probability Analysis of Extreme Precipitation and Peak Discharge Events, EWRI-ASCE World Environmental and Water Congress, May 23, 2011, Palm Springs, California.
- Evaluation of Classroom Assessment Strategies for Learning, FLC, April 29, 2011.
Assessment Strategies for Evaluation of Learning, FLC, December 3, 2010.
- Decision Support Tool for Leachate Management, TAG Meeting, Florida Atlantic University, June 25, 2010.
- Utility of Optimal Reflectivity-Rain Rate (Z-R) Relationships for Improved Precipitation Estimates, EWRI-ASCE World Environmental and Water Congress, 2010
- Sampling Schemes for Uncertainty Assessment of a Hydrologic Simulation Model, EWRI-ASCE World Environmental and Water Congress, 2010
- Infilling Missing Precipitation Data using NEXRAD Data: Use of Optimal Spatial Interpolation and Data-Driven Methods, EWRI-ASCE World Environmental and Water Congress, 2010.
- Extreme Precipitation and Climate Change, IFI, Book Series Meeting, UNESCO, Paris, April 29, 2010.
- Sustainable, Climate-Change Sensitive and Adaptive Hydrosystems Management and Hydrologic Design: Issues and Approaches, Seoul National University, IAHR-WRM Meeting, April 23, 2010. Invited Talk.
- Spatial Precipitation Analysis for Continuous Estimation (SPACE): Issues, Approaches and Applications, Seoul National University, Seoul, BK21 Seminar Series, April 22, 2010. Invited Talk.
- Uncertainties in Z-R Relationships for Radar based Precipitation Estimates, SWFWMD, Tampa, March11, 2010
- Improvement of NEXRAD Data using new methods of Bias Corrections, SWFWMD, Tampa, March 11, 2010.
- Technology Enhanced Learning and Instruction (TELI): Experiments with Online Data Analysis and Optimization Tools. FLC meeting, Jan 29, 2010.
- Interactive Decision Support Tool for Leachate Management – Decision Support Tool Development, Technical Advisory Group Meeting, FAU, January, 2010.
- Spatial Precipitation Analysis for Continuous Estimation (SPACE): Patterns, Organization and Processes (POP), ASEC-EWRI 2010, India Conference, Chennai, India, January 5, 2010.
- Interactive Decision Support Tool for Leachate Management, Technical Advisory Group Meeting, FAU, April, 2009.
- Career Planning for Civil Engineering Students: Graduate Studies and Beyond, July 9, 2009. ASCE Professional Meeting, FAU.
- Evaluation of Improvised Spatial Interpolation Methods for Infilling Missing Precipitation Records, ASCE/EWRI International Conference, Kansas City, May 2009.
- Evaluation of Spatial Weighting Methods for Transformation of Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimates, ASCE/EWRI International Conference, Kansas City, May 2009.
- Understanding Uncertainties in Water Budget for Large Constructed Wetlands, ASCE/EWRI International Conference, Kansas City, May 2009.
- Innovative spatial interpolation methods for estimation of missing precipitation records: concepts and applications, Hydro-Predict, International Conference, 2008. Session Keynote talk, invited.
- Water Resources Management and Hydrologic Design under Uncertain Climate Change Scenarios, 30 May 2008, Joint Assembly, AGU , Ft. Lauderdale.
- Optimal Cluster based Methods for Estimation of Missing Precipitation Records, 27 May 2008, Joint Assembly, AGU , Ft. Lauderdale.
- Evaluation of Function Forms of Rain Gage – Radar (NEXRAD) Relationships, 15 May 2008, EWRI/ASCE Conference, Hawaii.
- Infilling of Rain Gage Records using Radar (NEXRAD) data: Influence of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Rainfall Processes, May 14, 2008, EWRI/ASCE Conference, Hawaii.
- Optimal Spatial Weighting Methods for Estimation of Missing Precipitation Records, 13 May 2008, EWRI/ASCE Conference, Hawaii.
- Assessment of Catastrophic Flooding Events in South Florida using Animation, April 15, 2008, FAU.
- Teaching Methods in Engineering, Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award Committee Presentation, March 15, 2008
- Characterizing Rain Gage-Radar(NEXRAD) Relationships using Inductive Modeling, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 11, 2007
- Embarking on Graduate Studies: Career Building and Planning for the Future: November, 13, 2007, FAU.
- Opportunities for Collaboration with CHESS (Center for Hydrologic and Environmental Systems Studies) at FAU, SFWMD, 2007
- A Pilot Study On Catastrophic Flood Scenario Animation For A Region In South Florida, SFWMD, Florida, July 2, 2007
- Water Information Dissemination, 9th Water Information Summit, West Palm Beach, Florida, June 7, 2007
- A Spatio-Temporal Analysis Framework for Assessment of Water Quality Data, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE, May 18, 2007. Tampa, Florida.
- Optimal Operation of Hydrosystems under Uncertain Decision Making Environments, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE, May 17, 2007. Tampa, Florida.
- Climate Change Sensitive Water and Environmental Systems Management, Florida Atlantic University, April, 2007.
- Assessment of Water Quality Trends in the Upper Cumberland River Basin: Deterministic and Stochastic Analysis, KWRRI Annual Symposium, March 2, 2006.
Modeling Hydrologic Systems: Use of Soft Computing Approaches, University of Memphis April, 2006.
- Modeling and Management of Hydrologic Systems using Soft Computing Approaches, Florida Atlantic University (FAU), March 14, 2006.
- A New Integrated Neural Network Architecture for Streamflow Forecasting, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, December, 9, 2005.
- Hurricane Katrina: Natural Disaster and Engineering Nightmare – A Hydrological Perspective, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kentucky, September 14, 2005.
- Sustainable and Climate sensitive Hydrologic Design and Management of Hydrosystems, World Water and Environmental Resources Congress: Impacts of Global Climate Change, Alaska, ASCE conference, May 16, 2005.
- Modeling and Managing Hydro and Environmental Systems using Soft Computing and System Dynamics Approaches, Talk at CAE, UW, May 2004.
- Strategies for Planning Professional, Research and Academic Careers – Survival Skills for Grads, Docs and Post-docs, November 20, 2003, Graduate Student Forum, School of Engineering, University of Kentucky.
- Soft Computing, System Dynamics, Data-driven Approaches for Modeling Hydro and Environmental Systems, University of Guelph, Canada, June 5, 2003; May 2004.
- Emerging Paradigms for Hydrosystems Modeling and Management, College of Engineering and Computer Science, CSU, April 1, 2003
- Invited Speaker, Dynamic Modeling of Hydrosystems, Special Water Resources Seminar/Workshop, Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Water Resources Center, Kyoto University, Japan, November 13–15, 2002.
- Characterizing Pollutant Loadings in Streams using System Dynamics Simulation, AWRA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, November 7, 2002.
- Improving Neural Network Performance for Streamflow Prediction: Use of Geometrical Patterns in Time Series, AWRA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, November 6, 2002.
- System Dynamics, GIS and Inductive Modeling : A Tool Kit for Water Quality Management, AWRA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, November, 5, 2002
- Modeling and Management of Hydro and Environmental Systems: Detail, Spatial and Dynamic Complexities, Department of Civil Engineering, UND, 27 Sept. 2002
- Da Vinci’s Dream : Insights into Life and Experiments of an Extraordinary Engineer, special lecture on Leonardo Da Vinci’s contributions to Water sciences, ce461g, 18 Sept. 2002.
- Soft Computing and System Dynamics Simulation Approaches for Management and Modeling of Hydrosystems, Department of Civil Engineering, City University of New York, 29 May 2002.
- System Dynamics: An Innovative Approach for Learner-Centered Education, Innovations in Teaching & Learning: Meeting 21st Century Challenges, May 20, 2002, Louisville, CPE and Kentucky Virtual University
- Object-Oriented Simulation Environment for Water Quality Modeling and Policy Analysis, Short Course on TMDLs, FMSM Inc, Lexington, February 11, 2002.
- Better Assessment Science Integrating point and Non-Point Sources (BASINS) – Water Quality Modeling and Assessment Environment, Short Course on TMDLs, FMSM Inc, Lexington, February 12, 2002.
- Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF) and Water Quality Modeling, Short Course on TMDLs, FMSM Inc, Lexington, February 12, 2002
- Towards Sustainable, Risk-informed and Climate Sensitive Management of Hydrosystems: Role of Soft-Computing Approaches, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction, Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, 23 August, 2001.
- Soft-Computing Approaches for Hydrosystems Management, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, May 17, 2001.
- System Dynamics: A Concept for Understanding and Promoting Learning Process, University Teaching Services and Center for Higher Education Research and Development, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, March 13, 2001.
- Real-time Operation of Reservoir Systems: System Representation, Information Uncertainty and Computational Intractability, Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, September 5, 2000.
- Optimal Operation of Water Resource Systems: Tradeoffs between Modeling and Practical Solutions, International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management, University of California, Davis, April 12th, 2000.
- System Dynamics Simulation Model for Operation of Multiple Reservoirs, X World Water Congress, Melbourne, Australia, March 16th, 2000.
- Analytic Hierarchy Process, Special lecture, Resource and Environment Management Tools (56.725), Natural Resources Institute, part of CHET requirement, University of Manitoba, January 17th, 2000.
- System Dynamics Simulation in Teaching, Teaching Techniques Workshop, University Teaching Services, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, May 15th, 1999
- Short-term Hydraulic Optimization – II: Methodologies for Hydropower Optimization, Research and Development Committee, Systems Operating Division, Manitoba Hydro, Winnipeg, Canada, Feb 6, 1999.
- Input Structures for a Neural Network Model used for Streamflow Forecasting, Hydrology in Changing Environment, International conference, Exeter, United Kingdom, July 9, 1998.
- Real-time Operation of Hydropower Systems, Water Resources Research Seminars, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba, March 25, 1997.
- Short-term Hydraulic Optimization, Research and Development Committee, Systems Operating Division, Manitoba Hydro, Winnipeg, Canada, June 28, 1996.
- FREAS: Flood Run-off Estimation Advisory System, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, April 11, 1996
- Real-time Reservoir Operation for Irrigation, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, April 5, 1995.
- A Knowledge-based System for Estimation of Manning’s Roughness Coefficient, Ninth Congress of APD-International Association for Hydraulic Research, Singapore, August 26, 1994.